Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Revolution Of The United States - 891 Words

In the mere beginnings of his presidency in 1801, Thomas Jefferson knew he was to live up to the expectations of the American public. A developing fear of President Jefferson’s were the rumors circulating concerning Spain’s control of the strategic ports of New Orleans. Fervently, the idea of Spain giving the ports back to the original owner of the French was becoming more of a possibility. Realization struck Thomas Jefferson that French military dictator, Napoleon Bonaparte persisted contemplating the plan to control the ports once again, and he wrote, â€Å"The cession of the Spanish Province of Louisiana to France, which took place in the course of the late war, will, if carried into effect, make a change in the aspect of our foreign relations which will doubtless have just weight in any deliberations of the Legislature connected with that subject†. By recording this former President Jefferson briefly envisioned altering his traditional foreign policy stance to an anti-French alliance with the British, â€Å"France placing herself in that door assumes to us the attitude of defiance. Spain might have retained it quietly for years.†¦ From the moment we must marry ourselves to the British fleet and nation†. The idea crossed Jefferson’s mind that a change in ownership may result in France withholding access of the ports from settlers of the Mississippi these key ports were crucial for American commerce, and so he wrote of this importance, â€Å"There is on the globe one single spot, theShow MoreRelatedThe Revolution Of The United States865 Words   |  4 Pagesto the United States. The progressives brought change through industries, social movements and the economy. The progressives, (as their name suggests) brought progress to America that forever changed the United States for the better. 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Immediately, the revolutionaries demanded that the Shah be returned to Iran so he could stand trial for the human rights violations that he was accused of. When the Carter A dministration would not return the Shah, the revolutionaries were outraged and retaliated against the United States. On November 4, 1979, students who supported Ayatollah Khomeini and the revolution, known as the Muslim Student Followers of Imam’sRead MoreThe Revolution Of The United States Essay1835 Words   |  8 Pageswith its systems going up and down. In the same manner, every generation has had their technology revolution. Technology has had overpowering effects on the different lifestyles that people live, throughout human history. The most dramatic changes in America during growth was not just due to the invention of one thing . 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When Jackson was popular, some states changed their qualifications for voters to grant more white male suffrage. This usually excluded free blacks from voting, even though they were allowed under the original state constitutions. Political parties began holding nominating conventions, where the party members choose the party’s candidates instead of theRead MoreThe Revolution Of The United States879 Words   |  4 Pagesto Dr. Strangelove in that way because of what was taking place at the time of the release. Life in the United States was chaotic and unpredictable. In the same year, 1964, that the movie was released several other major events took place. America had the war in Vietnam, civil rights movement, Cuban Missile Crisis, and China’s test of a nuclear bomb. Citizens of the United States lived in a state of fear that their capitalist system would be overthrown by a communist party. The country was filled withRead MoreThe Revolution Of The United States1020 Words   |  5 Pageslost power, fuel, money and other essential in order to run a country. When a country is lacking resources, tension would more than likely increase. However, after the collapse, they became a special development within the Cuba for tourism. The revolution was designed against the ideas of tourism. Yet, tourism would create jobs and enable dollars to come into the country. However, it with the new interest within tourism and capitalism, that further open up ideas of race. It would reproduce certainRead MoreThe Revolution Of The United States939 Words   |  4 PagesThe whole story began in 1985, in the not too distant era, throughout the United States large-scale riots broke out, and a group of pregnant superhero abilities will assist the government suppressed the rebellion, these superheroes usually all have their ordinary identity, not their true selves, and they all have their own code. Headed is called Rorschach Walter Kovacs (Jackie Earle Haley ornaments), ther e s Dr. Manhattan Joe Osterman (Billy Crudup ornaments), ghost Sally Jupiter (Carla GuginoRead MoreThe Revolution Of The United States1064 Words   |  5 Pageswere not happy when Spanish mess with their right and religion. They did not like when only the elite had a say in Mexico, so they revolted. What they haven t satisfied with the government was being run, so they protest in the street after the revolution. There this underlying cause of the people uprising against the government when mistrust when individuals in power abuse their power over the people. It has been a power struggle of over what people of Mexico wanted and what Nation wanted. Thought

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Customer Complaints At The Hospitality Industry - 1855 Words

Abstract This paper delves into the realm of customer complaints in the Hospitality Industry. Issues that relate to customer complaints in general, complaining as a process, the impact of customer complaints, the most common complaints in the Hospitality Industry, hotel brands with the highest rate of complaints, and handling guest complaints are discussed. By examining the use of the ‘LEARN Model’ to settle guest complaints by using the 5 elements of Listening, Empathy, Apology, Reaction and Notification. Themes explored include the value of complaining, customer satisfaction, widespread industry complaints, and tools and methods of resolution. Conclusions are presented as to the value of the discussed techniques and procedures in†¦show more content†¦Barlow and Mà ¸ller claim that complaints are not problems to be avoided but gifts to be welcomed. They also write that complaints are important for several reasons, including: †¢ You don’t know how to improve your product or service if you don’t know what’s wrong. †¢ Customer complaints can give you ideas for new products and services. †¢ Complaints give you valuable information about what’s important to people and what they’re willing to spend money on. †¢ Complaints also tell you that the customer still wants to do business with you —Most customers don’t complain — they just take their business elsewhere, because they’ve given up hope of getting what they need from you. Complaining as a Process: Landon (1980) also argues that it is extremely useful to study the complaining process and that companies can benefit greatly from the process of endeavoring to understand the causes, types, motives, and style of consumer complaining. The author explains that the complaint process involves the consumer s evaluation of dissatisfaction and the choice to make the dissatisfaction known. The interaction between the consumer and the responsible party represents a process of confrontation and negotiation. Impact of Customer Complaints: General knowledge is that customers are more perceptive to losses than gains which means that worse-than-expected service is more damaging than better-than-expected service is beneficial (Rust et al. 1999). As asserted byShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Contingent Compensation On Employee Performance Essay1251 Words   |  6 PagesThe effect of contingent compensation on employee performance in hospitality industry Introduction Compensation is regarded as one of the most persistently motivating ways to incentive employees (Torres Adler, 2012). So, it is important for a company to choose a reasonable compensation system which can not only increase the revenue but also can motivate the employees to do the better job (Johnson, Friend Agrawal, 2016). 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It also takes care of its customers by providing them fresh coffee and other 1.1 Complaints of the Customer No one likes to receive complaints and when you are in the business that depends on the customers then it is hardRead MoreThe Experience Economy : A Theater And Every Business1552 Words   |  7 Pagesthat the client appreciates indefinitely. It is an experience that incorporates the greater part of the five senses, and it cannot be experienced anywhere else (Pine Gilmore 1999). This economy is unique. It is built on the perception that the customer is the dynamic participant in the search of experiences that will personally amaze and engage them. (Schmitt, 1999). For a business to be successful, goods alone are not enough (B J Pine II J H Gilmore 1999). 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Bartelby story Free Essays

The narrator tries all the way through the story to truly empathize with Bartleby, but he never digs too deep because he is concerned about saving himself. He thinks that doing good deeds for Bartleby will look good for him as well. The narrator, however, sticks with Bartleby longer than most of us would. We will write a custom essay sample on Bartelby story or any similar topic only for you Order Now Bartleby is frustratingly honest about life. He is throroughly unexcited about life in general, and the narrator is maybe a little afraid that he is too much like Bartleby. However, he is an eminently â€Å"safe† man who has made peace with the modern world by working for rich clients but has no inner passion. 2. Turkey, Nippers and Ginger Nut are oddly named characters. Turkey and Nippers are named for the volatility of their character and are in themselves caricatures. Turkey gets drunk in the afternoon and becomes enraged at the slightest thing thereafter; in other words, he acts like a real turkey. Nippers is irritable and angry in the morning when he might â€Å"nip† someone. As the day goes on, he is able to get some work done. The two of them together do the work of one man. Ginger Nut is so named because he brings the office Ginger Nut cakes. Their nicknames tell the reader that they are unreliable in assessing Bartleby, since someone could assume by their actions that they are crazy too. These characters also serve to show what the boss already puts up with. 3. Bartleby might want his story told in order to emphasize the futility of the world. He loses two jobs due to some sort of administrative change, and the world does not provide an environment for him that he can become excited about. The tone of his last statement, â€Å"Ah, Bartleby! Ah, humanity! † is a final sigh in the life of someone who has given up completely. Bartleby has not helped anyone, including himself. He may want to warn us of the emptiness of striving to make a living and the bleakness of the business world. He may also want to show us in a more realistic way what becomes of the nonconformist in society. It is wonderful for all of us to think about not being â€Å"part of the crowd,† but the reality is very different. Not being one of the crowd makes for a long and lonely existence. Works Cited Melville, Herman, Bartle How to cite Bartelby story, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Unilever Strategic Management - Sample Solution

Question: Describe the Case Study for Unilever and his Strategic Management. Answer: Introduction Strategic management is an important part of every organization. This helps the firm to focus on its long term goal. In this report, a corporation with multiple business units will be selected for analysing its strategies. The paper will identify different business units and its product lines. The greatest source of revenue for the organization will be identified. The report will also present external environment analysis. The source of sustainable competitive advantage of the chosen firm will be identified in this paper. Corporation Identification Corporation is a large business or organization or group of companies act as a single entity with legal authorization. Corporation enjoys the rights and responsibility of an individual owner. In this kind of business owners have limited liability. Some legal rights separate this entity from the owners. The tax implication is also different for a corporation. The ownership structure of a corporation is also managed flexibly (Moore 2016). Product portfolio is the collection of all products that are offered by the organization. It comprises of different product categories; product lines and the product itself. The product portfolio should be focused on achieving the goal of the organization. Those products should be in the portfolio that brings extra revenue. Based on the performance of the product, the management decides invest on the particular product (McNally, Durmuolu and Calantone 2013). A service portfolio is comprised of list of service irrespective of their positions in the life cycle. Service portfolio tackles performance of the various department and ensures that company is offering right mix of services. The service portfolio focuses on consumers satisfaction that will help to bring profit to the organization. In this report, Unilever has been chosen for the analysis. This in an Anglo-Dutch multinational consumer goods company. The company was founded in 1930 by the merging of a Dutch margarine producer and the British soap makers. Later it has diversified its production. Unilever N.V and Unilever Plc, these two companies operate as a single entity. It has common board of directors. Therefore, this company meets the feature of a corporation. Unilever has its headquarters at Netherland and United Kingdom. It is the third largest consumer goods company after Procter Gamble and Nestle, as of 2012. The company operates worldwide and has subsidiaries in almost 190 countries (Unilever 2016). Hindustan Unilever is one of the notable subsidiaries, as Unilever holds 67% share. This multinational company operates companies and factories in every continent apart from Antarctica. The company owns more than 400 brands, therefore, it has to maintain product portfolio that extents multiple business unit s. Corporate Research Business Unit is logical segment of an organization that represents specific business function. A corporation has different business units and each unit is responsible for profit generation (Abernethy, Bouwens and Lent 2013). The business units of a corporation can be production unit; accounting team; marketing unit and so on. All of these units contributes to improve the profit level. Business units are focused on each set of products. Business units are essential for a company that has multiple products. Group of related products under single brand is sold by the company, which is known as product line. A company can expand by offering many product lines, i.e. it sells multiple product under various brands (Best 2012). Product line is created as marketing strategy in order to capture the market. The consumers prefer the brand they are already using. Therefore, launching different but related product under same brand is likely to have more positive response. Product line helps to gauge the trends in the market. Unilever has different business units as well as multiple product lines. The business units of this company can be broadly classified into two groups; production and sales. There are four major units of this corporation, such as, Foods; Personal Care; Home Care and Refreshments. This company owns more than 400 brands. The Foods unit includes production and sales of soups; sauce; snacks; salad dressings; bouillons; mayonnaise; margarines and spreads. The Home care product line includes powders; liquids and capsules; soap bars; detergent and other cleaning products. Personal care incorporates deodorants; skin care and hair care products; oral care products etc. The Refreshment product line incorporates ice cream; tea-based beverages; coffee; weight management products etc(Unilever 2016). Some of the famous brands of this corporation for multiple product lines are as follows: Body Wash: Lux; Liril; Dove; Pears; Lifebuoy; Breeze; Rexona Laundry: Surf Excel (Drive); Vim; Wheel; Rin; Comfort Deodorants: Axe; Rexona; Lever 2000 Skin Care: Vaseline; Ponds; Lakme; Fair Lovely Hair Care: Clinic Plus; Sunsilk; TRESemme; Dove; Clear Oral Care: Pepsodant; Close Up Ice Cream: Cornetto; Magnum; Streets (Heartbrand) Spreads: Flora (Becel); Bertolli Tea: Lipton; Brooke Bond; Bushells; Lan-Choo Coffee: Bru Corporation Revenue Centres Revenue is the amount of money received by a company during a particular timeframe. Revenue is earned from normal business activities that are by selling goods and services. An organization focuses on maximizing the revenues collected through sales. The more will be the revenue, the more profit is assured and the corporation can invest more in its next venture (Wang 2013). A company or a corporation reviews its revenue obtained from its respective product lines and from the product itself. This is because, a corporation will not invest in a product or certain product line, which has failed to bring sufficient revenue. Unilever turnover from its different product lines during 2015 are as follows: Revenue from Personal Care: 20.1 Billion Revenue from Foods: 12.9 Billion Revenue from Home Care: 10.2 Billion Revenue from Refreshment: 10.1 Billion Therefore, it can be said that Personal Care products of Unilever have generated maximum revenue(Unilever 2016). Source: Unilever 2016 Source: Unilever 2016 Source: Unilever 2016 Source: Unilever 2016 Source: Unilever 2016 Unilever have 13 brands that have sales of 1 Billion or more. Some of them are also Sustainable Living Brands, such as Knorr. The 1 Billion brands of Unilever are as follows: Axe Dove Knorr Lux Rexona Lipton Hellmanns Heartbrand Magnum Surf Sunsilk Omo Rama(Unilever 2016) External Environment Analysis It is important to analyse the scenario or the circumstances where the business is operating. The operating environment includes both external and internal environment (Shroff, Verdi and YU 2013).The external factors that effects the environment of the corporation are: political factor (P); economical factor (E); social factor (S); technological factor (T); legal factor (L) and environmental factor (E). Therefore, the PESTLE Analysis will help to analyse the external environment of Unilever. Political Factor: Unilever is a Corporation that acts as single entity behalf of two firms, one in Amsterdam and the other in London. Both the British and Dutch political systems are instable. The governmental frameworks have major impacts on the conduct of business. Netherlands changed its rate of VAT thrice since 2010 (Wolf 2014). This affects the business of Unilever. Netherlands and UK are members of European Union that enables trade among the member nation with certain rules regarding the business and lowering trade barriers. However, during 2012, Netherlands wanted to pull the nation out of EU in order to ease local Dutch economy, whereas, UK wanted to continue on EU membership. Withdrawing of membership could have massive impact on the business like Unilever (Rankin 2014). Since 1960s and 1970s, many countries have adopted nationalization policy. The companies were subject to local control on price; quantity; employment and imports. This was quite hazardous for Unilever, as it has lost some control over the market operation (Nyuur, Osabutey and Debrah 2014). For example, Unilever subsidiary in Africa, UAC, remitted a significant share of profit to its parent company. However, nationalizing in many African countries reduced the control of Unilever over the market operated by UAC. The political unrest in the Middle East hindering the opportunity of Unilever to grow in those region. The most of the revenue comes from developing and emerging countries. Hence, globalization and policies of that regional government affects the corporation. However, Unilever utilizes its experience and goodwill to make agreements or contracts in many countries by bargaining with the respective governments to modify their regulations. Economic Factor: Unilever faces challenges because of its decline in sales due to global financial crisis. Europe was one of the regions that was severely affected due to the global economic crisis. The household consumption of Europe has severely fallen due to the recession. The household consumption level is still not at the level of pre-crisis period. The unemployed has also grew up and wage has fallen in many economies (Gerstberger and Yaneva 2013). This indicates that people have less capacity to purchase. Consumers demand less due to lack of wealth and this adversely affects the manufacturer of fast-moving consumer goods like Unilever. Instead of global economic crisis, some of the regions like Latin America; China and India are booming and Unilever enjoys considerable opportunity to earn significant revenue from these markets. At present, most of the sales revenues are coming from these markets (Unilever 2016). In some economies, companies have to pay duties that were uncertain due to unstable currency and high rate of inflation. This kind of uncertainty of economic variables affects the profit level of Unilever. If the tax is too high, then even after a high turnover, the profit after tax will be insignificant. In many markets, where Unilever has expanded its operations, like Africa, per capita income is too low. In such markets the economic development has not taken place and as a result of this Unilever may not generate high revenue. Social Factor: Due to advance medical provisions, the life expectancy rate is rising over times. Moreover, the fertility rate is falling. Due to these two facts and ageing of the baby-boomers has accelerated the ageing of population (Reher 2015). This demographic change will require changes in the business like Unilever. The company has to change its structure of demand in future. The needs of the older people are unique and Unilever has to meet those. For example, old people would prefer ready-to-cook or ready-to-eat meals. Moreover, due to the stagnant and aged population, Unilever faced problem of labour shortage. People have become more aware of health and ethical issues. People now demands ethically produced goods and healthy products. As a result of this, Unilever introduced products like Flora and I cant Believe its not Butter, two margarine brands (Rankin 2014). Due to the growing awareness, Unilever has been working to improve the hygiene and better nutrition to the people with obesity and poor people (Cunningham et al. 2015). In some nations, literacy rate is low. This influences the marketing tool used by the company. Advertisement in print media will not be much effective as people are illiterate. Therefore, Unilever has to employ more resources in order to enhance face-to-face communication. Hence, this social factor influences the marketing campaigns of the company. By building exclusive culture and goodwill, Unilever can create high demand for its product in the developing nations. Technological Factor: Unilever continue to invent new technology in order to boast the production and improve the quality of its products. Technical incapability in R D activity can adversely affect the revenue and profit of the company. Therefore, high automation level is a major success criteria of Unilever. Uses of social media; retail website is growing and Unilever need to join internet and mobile technologies to have better access to its customers. The online discussion with the customers can influence the purchasing decision and increase the customer base (Sashi 2012). Unilever spends on IT for improving its e-business. This will minimize the cost to the company. this will enhance the brand image and product quality. Through the improved connectivity, the price and promotional information is readily available to the consumers (Shaikh 2013). This provides the shoppers to access online store immediately. Unilever Technology Venture work along with Unilever R D to meet the need of the customers. A consumer goods producing corporation like Unilever is concerned with advance bioscience; Nano technology; advanced materials science and genomics. Legal Factor: Organization like Unilever is subject to local and regional laws and regulation and global rules as well. The rules cover the areas of product safety; trademarks; copyright; health and safety; corporate governance etc. the local tax and employment laws also affect the business activity of the company. Breaching of laws and regulations can hamper the reputation of the company. Unilever has to abide national laws of the 190 countries. Unilever is must not discriminate individuals on the basis of age; gender; race; religion etc. (Hyman et al. 2012). Mandatory age of retirement has been removed from both the Netherland and UK. Environmental Factor: Environmental degradation is of major concern in the global economy. The focus is on the utilizing minimum resources and generating less waste. It works in association with the governing authority in regard of waste management. It reduces plastic waste to the landfill. Unilever has maintained environmental standard by producing and designing products, which are safe and healthy for the consumers. Establishment of EU Emissions Trading System attempts to reduce carbon emissions to meet the Kyoto Protocol (De Sadeleer 2014). Unilever uses environment friendly materials and packages. The company is also working on projects like safe drinking water. Sustainable Competitive Advantage The internal analysis emphasises on the resources that the company possesses. The competitive advantage of Unilever depends on the nature and the competency of the resources. The more competent the resources are the more the company will enjoy sustainable competitive advantage (David and David 2016). SWOT analysis will be conducted to identify the advantage and disadvantage of the company and competitive advantage will be verified under VRIO framework. Strength: Size of the Company is its major strength. It is the manufacturer of more than 400 brands over 190 countries (Thain and Bradley 2014). The major advantage of this corporation is its brand recognition and longevity. It is the oldest multinational corporation. Unilever is headquartered in two countries, thus floated on two indexes. It is also floated secondarily on New York Stock Exchange. The volume of skills; knowledge; experience embodied in the employees of the company and excellent managerial skill are the strengths of Unilever. Strong supply chain of the company has put it to an advantageous position. Unilever invests huge amount in R D activities. Weakness: Many have argued that broad portfolio of the company is the reason for weakness of this company. Broad ranges of product with 400 brands are hard to manage. Therefore, the company loses focus in marketing. Unilever charges higher price than its competitors. The company claims that high price is for the quality of the product, while critics opines that the huge investment of R D attributed to high price. Unilever is less connected to its customers directly. Unilever does not have any premium market. Opportunity: Unilever has significant opportunity to reduce its advertisement expenditure by promoting through social media. Increasing demand for healthy products can increase the sales of the company. There is lot of opportunity in the personal care product line as it can be more customized. The company has huge possibility to introduce new product regularly. This is because; research facilities in England; Bangalore (India); Shanghai (China); New Jersey (USA) have the ability to refine existing products and develop new product. Threats: Strong competition from MNCs and local company is quite strong. The top competitors are Procter and Gamble; Nestle as they have similar product line and business model. The company has a large share of premium brands in its product line. Economic downturn possess threat to such brands as sales and sales margin are affected. As food price has increased, Unilever has to pass on food inflation to maintain the profit margin. Thus, it has to rethink about its strategic choice. The growth in the emerging market is also slowing down. Social ethics and concern in the region like, India; Japan; Thailand considered as a threat to the company. Unilever has been criticized for manufacturing fairness products. VRIO Analysis From analysing the strengths of Unilever, the competency of the available resources can be verified. Unilever is said to have sustainable competitive advantage over one resource, if it is valuable; rare; inimitable and organized (VRIO) (Stadler, Helfat and Verona, 2013). These are the four factors. The Brand image of Unilever enables the corporation to exploit the external and internal opportunity. It can bring potential revenue to the company. Hence, this is valuable. Brand image is rare as even if other firm possesses their own brand, the brand image of Unilever is more reputed because of its goodwill. The brands of Unilever bring higher profit than the normal profit level. Therefore, it enjoys competitive advantage. The competitor cannot the imitate the brand image of this corporation, as brand value is an intangible resource of Unilever. Even if other firm wants to create their own brand image, it will require to employ high cost. Hence, it is not imitable. Unilever possesses mechanism to exploit its brand image. Hence, it is organized. The brand image of this corporation enjoys the sustainable competitive advantage. The innovation capability of Unilever is another resource that has sustainable competitive advantage. R D activity of the firm exploits its resources for innovation. Hence it is valuable. The competitors cannot make the same innovation; thus it is rare. The other companies cannot imitate the new innovated product line, as this will require buying patent of Unilever. It is inimitable. Unilever invests significant share of profits in innovation process. Thus, it is organized too. Hence, Innovation enables Unilever to enjoy sustainable competitive advantage. Unilever has core competency over marketing and advertising; relationship with the customers and supplier. These resources are valuable and rare, as these help to earn high revenue for the company and other firms may not have same relationship with the stakeholders. However, the competitors can easily imitate these. Therefore, these resources have temporary competitive advantage. Source: Metzger 2014 Recommendation for Strategic Direction Strategic direction is the action that a firm undertakes to achieve its goals and objectives. Proper strategic direction enables the company to grow in the long term and to sustain in the competition (Rothaermel 2015). According to Porters generic Strategies, there are three strategic options to the organization, namely, Cost Leadership; Differentiation and Focus strategy (Tanwar 2013). Unilever competes with the competitors in terms of price. It is recommended that the corporation should charge low price by improving internal capability. This is cost leadership that will help the firm to achieve competitive advantage. Unilever offers product line similar to that of its competitors. It must differentiate its product line by innovation so that it can enjoy competitive advantage. Therefore, cost leadership and differentiation strategies are recommended for future growth of Unilever. References Abernethy, M.A., Bouwens, J. and Lent, L., 2013. The role of performance measures in the intertemporal decisions of business unit managers. Contemporary Accounting Research, 30(3), pp.925-961. Best, R., 2012. Market-based management. Pearson Higher Ed. 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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Female Characters in The Winters Tale free essay sample

A paper which discusses how Shakespeare presents female characters with both inner and outer strength in The Winters Tale. The paper discusses how, in The Winters Tale, William Shakespeare presents female characters with both inner and exterior strength. It shows that along with the strength, are the qualities of understanding, forgiveness and patience. It explores the three characters in the play that represent these female characteristics Hermione, Paulina and Perdita. For all three female characters, they are a part of the action and suffer because of the events in the play. Yet even in suffering they remain gracious and strong and forgiving. The paper discusses how it is these characteristics that make The Winters Tale a play about how strong and solid the female character can be, with the outcome of the play also showing what an impact these qualities can have.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Micheal Jackson essays

Micheal Jackson essays MICHAEL JACKSON! When you hear someone mention the name Michael Jackson, you immediately get an image in your head about his appearance... the infamous cosmetic surgery. Whether you think positively or negatively towards Michael, he has definitely made a strong impression on everyone, either way. I think he is a strange person but I dont blame him for this he has had a hard life of being beating by his own father and put into spotlight a soon as he could speak. I dont think its right that people look past all his amazing talents just straight to The Face. Said Carly. Shes a huge fan of his music and shes just one of many. I believe and so obviously does Carly that no one should really be holding all the addiction to plastic surgery against him it is his life and his choices to make. Hes never had a real childhood he has been a part of televisions icons ever since he was 6 years old. Hes never had the opportunity to grow up as such and I think now through these years all he really wants to do is try and go back to all the things hes missed out on. People look straight past all the wonderful things that hes done for so many people, such as all the charities he has been supporting all his life. The best known charities that hes been supporting are; The Ronald McDonald Children Foundation, The Make A Wish Foundation, Childright and the list continues. In 1984 Michael opened up his very own Burns Centre after he personally suffered severe burns to his scalp during a commercial shoot for Pepsi. Michael also started Heal the World Foundation. Michael made it into The Guinness Book of World Records 2000 for the most charities supported. In total he has supported 39 charitable organizations. These selfless acts go unaccounted for when p ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Pragmatism 2 questions, very urgent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pragmatism 2 questions, very urgent - Essay Example Rorty refers to the traditional identifications of truth as â€Å"only descriptions of the world† (Fukuyama). Rorty suggests that language should not be a sign of representation. By suggesting so, Rorty essentially wants to say that people should abandon the religion, and not worship God. Instead, human conscience, language and community should be understood as a joint outcome of luck and time according to Rorty. To put it in simple words, Rorty means to negate the existence of truth altogether. By doing so, Rorty tends to evaluate a belief on the basis of its effects instead of its causes. Rorty places more emphasis upon the association of the statements’ truth with their applicability in practical terms. In this way, Rorty’s suggestion is necessarily a restoration of pragmatism. Rorty’s truth is more of a metaphor which provides solutions for troubles, resolves the issues and eases the tension. In reality, this may not be always so. In fact, in a vast ma jority of cases, people lie in order to escape temporal damage. To them, truth is devastating and demeaning. Nonetheless, the importance of truth can not be denied in any case as the ultimate effects of truth are always better than those of lie. Truth does exist and is not just an outcome of certain events. I totally disapprove of Rorty’s atheism. Explain Rorty's view of education and discuss (in detail) at least one possible objection to Rorty's view.